Friday, September 16, 2005

My lint trap

My dryer's lint trap has to be changed after each load of laundry. I used to be able to go a few goes between cleaning the trap. My clothes were well enough warn to hardly give up any of their lint. Less lint equals fewer trap cleanings. Now my lint trap is usually fairly full, reflecting, of course that most of my clothes are no more than a few years old. Unlike college years when they were nearly lintless. Another way to put all that is that my clothes are getting fatter.

Back to my main point: What the hell are Mark McGrath (Sugar Ray) and Fran Dresher (The Nanny) doing hosting Extra (a hollywood "news" show)? When have you seen two simple sounding names with so many different possible spellings? Are you really allowed to put quotation marks within a set of brackets?

Is it worse to be Tyra Banks doing a segment on your own show about whether or not your boobs are real or is it worse to be doing a report on Tyra Banks doing a segment on her own show about whether or not her boobs are real?

What is this fucking world coming to?

What am I coming to? Considering that I'm blogging about all this crap because I just found myself with so little to do that I was watching a cellophane wrapper from a package of snack crackers un-crumple itself after I had crumpled and then I thought: Am I supposed to be eating the individually wrapped snack crackers that I bought to take to work so that I would eat fewer chocolate bars. Like that kid who had acne. Hey, CSI is on.


Blogger Another Apartment in Blogville. said...

THIS should be in a show. james you should seriously consider doing a show somewhere or making prints of these. they rock. the more and more i look through them, the more i realize how FAST i would buy these if i saw them for sale anywhere.
THIS is the kind of art i want in my living room. i mean, i guess you could say it's "modern" but it really isn't because they don't seem to have any of the conventions that i associate with modern art.
it's just cool as shit. that's the bottom line.
it seriously can be something different for EVERY SINGLE person who looks at it. Sinister or fantastical or nostalgic or summer or winter.
it just flat out rocks - all of it. i also especially love the close up of the glass bottle - something about it says "poison" to me. honestly - i don't comment enough on your blog - usually it is because i am at a loss for words.
it's all SOOO great.

2:47 PM  
Blogger James said...

Well thank you.

3:30 PM  
Blogger James said...

Well thank you.

3:30 PM  

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